Dutch injazz at jazzahead!

11 October 2019

The upcoming jazzahead! takes place from 23 through 25 April 2020. This edition as well, Buma Cultuur and Dutch Performing Arts invite you to be co-exhibitor for the Dutch inJazz stand. Please make sure to register in time and use the discount code. Also, we look forward to your application for the showcases at jazzahead!

Registration and discount code
From now on, you can register online as co-exhibitor of the Dutch stand or Dutch delegate which allows you as well to use the discount code for a jazzahead! ticket. How it works? Set up a new account or use your account from 2019. Fill out the ‘order form co-exhibitor’ with the following information:

Co-exhibitor of: Dutch inJazz
Name of contact person: Tom Veugen
Stand number: 6B11
Discount code: JA20RC6LS (will be asked at the end of the registration process)

Apply for a jazzahead! showcase
After you have signed up to be a co-exhibitor or delegate, you can also apply to be one of the 40 selected showcases during jazzahead!. The 30 to 45 minute showcases are open to the general public and trade fair. International experts will make the selection. Deadline to apply is 31 October 2019. Read more on the procedure, terms and conditions.

Important dates for the Dutch inJazz stand and jazzahead!
– 11 October 2019: end of the jazzahead! Early Bird ticket sales
– 31 October 2019: deadline Dutch showcases registrations
– Mid December 2019: announcement of the showcases at jazzahead! to the bands
– 10 January 2020: end of the second discount fee of jazzahead!
– 10 March 2020: deadline for signing-up for the Dutch inJazz guide
– 1 April 2020: deadline online registrations for the Dutch inJazz stand