injazz 2020 – alternative edition

6 April 2020

This year, inJazz can not be organized the way you are used to. We regret this terribly, but wish to inform you in time about our change of plans.

No live event in June
We have decided not to host a live edition on 25 and 26 June in Rotterdam. Making agreements to develop a great event was and is difficult and we can’t guarantee that our international guests and partners will be able to travel to Rotterdam. Also, in this current climate we don’t think it is responsible to bring groups of people together.

inJazz worthy edition in 2020
Our team is still doing their very best. Especially in these uncertain times we look forward and find it important to share resourceful and creative ideas with each other. Behind the scenes we are working on an alternative – possibly online – event for this year. An inJazz worthy edition in 2020! Please keep 25 and 26 June marked in your calendar. We will keep you informed on our website, social media and via our newsletter.

Stay healthy and hopefully we can meet each other soon again!

Best wishes, on behalf of the inJazz team,

Ikaros van Duppen
managing director