Italiani in Olanda: a jazz path across Europe
Thursday 27 June | 14:40 – 15:30 | LantarenVenster – Room six
Italian jazz musicians have been playing, working, living in The Netherlands for a long time. At this year’s inJazz, in collaboration with Associazione I-Jazz, three Italian bands from the Nuova Generazione Jazz talent support program are performing in Rotterdam. Reason enough for a round table talk about current relations between Italian and Dutch musicians. In this panel talk led by Enrico Bettinello (I-Jazz, Novara Jazz), artists and other professionals will discuss how the Dutch music scene and conservatoires define certain trajectories of Italian creative jazz. Is the mutual role of The Netherlands and Italy in the internationalization process constructive enough? Let us further strengthen the bonds!
Marta Arpini, artist, composer, singer-songwriter, NL/IT
Valentina Fin, artist, composer, IT
Federico Calcagno, artist, composer, NL/IT
Enrico Bettinello, curator, I-Jazz, IT
This panel is presented by Associazione I‑Jazz.
Photo: Novara Jazz