Online initiative: POM Good Virus Session

12 May 2020

Are you a composer and musician and would you like to join a chain of one-minute-improvisations? inJazz spoke to initiator Bart van Dongen about his POM Good Virus Session.

Pavilion Unheard Music
A composer and musician himself, Bart van Dongen initiated workshop and venue Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek (Pavilion Unheard Music) in the Dutch city of Eindhoven. The idea is to give musicians and composers a chance to develop their music and themselves, mostly in front of an audience.

With the Pavilion being obviously closed in covid19 virus times, Bart decided to start the POM Good Virus Session. Because musicians feel the need to make and play music! As Bart puts it: “POM would like to gather positive vibes and energy and build an online mental firewall with music. We invite musicians to record a one-minute-improvisation on video, using a mobile phone or video camera. All formats are welcome. And we propose that the piece ends in such a way that another musician can pick it up and join in and bring it further. Thus creating a relay race or chain if you wish, of musicians and their improvisations.”

Join in the fun
One of the sessions (number 16) is made by singer Sanne Rambags. With Sjoerd van Eijck (piano) and Koen Smits (trumpet, effects) – together known as Mudita – she was one of the showcases of inJazz 2019. Ready for some free-form improv? Head to POM on YouTube and maybe you’ll join in on the fun!

Photo: showcase Mudita at inJazz 2019 by Eric van Nieuwland